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How do attachment styles impact our relationships?
According to various psychology studies we all have different attachment styles, and being aware of yours and the one of your partner can...

How to replace diet culture with intuitive eating
You’re born as an intuitive eater. Baby’s cry to let you know they’re hungry. They stop drinking if they had enough. As we get older, we...

Balancing your masculine and feminine energy
And how it can impact your every day life and relationships. You may have heard of it: male and female energy, and nope, it has nothing...

Do you struggle with anxiety? Here are the different types and what you can do about it.
There it is again, that word. I already get anxiety when i read the word anxiety. 2021 is a funny time to be alive. We all get anxious...

Dry brushing: why, how & why not!
Dry brushing has already showed its popularity a long time ago, I should probably say our grandma's are the founding mothers of the of...

What does the core exist of?
Many of us think of sit-ups when we think of training our core. It’s a bit more than just a sixpack. The core mainly exists of: Rectus...

Is Sleep Procrastination Hurting Your Health?
Women are staying up late to reclaim their personal time. But what is the true cost of putting off sleep? You might gain an hour or two...

Introduction to holisticism
After the studies in personal training, sport psychology and nutrition I continued to expand my knowledge in the health field. Not only...
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